Yeesh! Tough question. Our initial answer may be to say “it doesn’t….it just hurts me”, usually followed by a plan to just “stop doing …
Intimacy = Into-me-see. Sums it up so succinctly, doesn’t it? Intimacy is about allowing others in. It’s about letting them truly see and know …
There is. The first scenario typically has a secure (or at least secure enough) and loving foundation as it’s base……as in “I love you …
After a break up, we often aren’t grounded in reality……you know, the reality of what the relationship was *actually* like. Not the “potential” we …
So often, we think we have to put up with behaviour that is the result of someone else’s unintegrated pain because we “know their …
And and and. AND being the operative word here. So often we apply our very human meaning-making to these (not to mention all!) situations. …
Part of learning to care for ourselves means not searching for something where we’ve already determined it doesn’t exist. Not returning to the same …
Yep. The attraction happens when we meet someone on our level……not where we “want” to be, or think we “should” be. But where we …
It doesn’t. Even when we could swear up and down that this is clearly what is happening…..we swear that we KNOW it to be …